View Full Version : Joshvanzan Application

05-16-2010, 11:57 AM
Hello to all!

As you can tell my name is Joshvanzan and im apart of the Fenrir server. I currently at the moment have 2 characters. Knighteagle & Joshvanzan. Im applying for Joshvanzan. He is only currently 23 WAR/11 MNK.

My other character Knighteagle has the following jobs. If this helps out my chances. ;)

Rank 9- Sandy

75- PLD 25-Smithing

Knighteagle you can currently check out @ FFXIAH if you are curious about the character.

My schedule is pretty well open. I work all day and when i get home FFXI!!!!!

I love doing events with fellow members or friends.

Again Im applying for Joshvanzan. I started this character from ground zero just to do it again. Thats how much time i have & how much i love the game

Thank you for your time,


05-16-2010, 12:58 PM
I'm afraid you missed some information that we require on all apps....

In your application, you MUST include:

1. Do you meet our minimum requirements?
2. Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
3. What time can you play?
4. Who can access your account? Why?
5. Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
6. References (within and outside). Preferably, a former LS leader or former Sack who can put their name on the line to vouch for you.
7. A Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month) Also if you are on game events are mandatory. (i.e. should not xping, doing missions, etc) Would you have any problems meeting these requirements?