View Full Version : gregchiro application

10-17-2010, 04:24 PM
Do you meet our minimum requirements?
yes, have access to everything :)
Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
Was on server Titan, friends went to ff14 :(
What time can you play?
I am on most of the day - on everyday 6pm est till whenever
Who can access your account? Why?
only I can access
Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
Looked up your linkshell online and looks good. I want to have fun/help/and gear is a plus
References (within and outside). Preferably, a former LS leader or former
Traviant Titan server, but not sure he ever logs in due to ff14
Sack who can put their name on the line to vouch for you.
I dont know anyone on this server been here a week.
Do you understand a Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period? (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month)
yes please

10-19-2010, 03:02 PM
Thanks for your application. Can you list your jobs/merits? and Former Linkshells?

10-19-2010, 05:24 PM
blm 85 - enfeebling magic 8/8, elemental magic 8/8 int 2, mp 5/5, AM2s
Rng 85 - Arc 8/8, Str 2, Agi 1, Delay 5/5, stealth shot,
bst 78 - beast affinity 5/5
Thf 72
rdm,nin,whm,war subs
Was on Titan with Deamonsofrazgriz

10-19-2010, 06:43 PM
my blm has 5/5 on ice and thunder magic. I do have th3 on my thf and am currently lvling to 85 - 72 currently