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Kaka 06-22-2010 08:55 PM

Kandykanez' Application
Hello duckhunt! I'm a recently reactivated/transferred born-again FFXI player just looking for a new LS to join. I'm looking for a really friendly group of people with an active endgame interest, and I heard about you guys.

My three 75's are: RDM, PLD, and DRK which I leveled all for 3 very distinct roles, and they're pretty well equipped. I stopped playing around the middle of the ToAU expansion, so though my gear isn't very current, it's still pretty strong.
Out of those 3, my main job would probably be RDM, and it's at 341 enfeebling skill with most subs leveled up. (SCH, and all subs up from 37-40 are being worked on, I just started up again this week).
I'm pretty on point when it comes to thinking/executing critically, and I've played every role there is on my jobs. I have experience with most HNM kings, all of sky/sea/dynamis. I didn't get too much into salvage, and never got to try einherjar, but I have access to everything and I'm pretty quick to adapt.
About me: 27, male, from NYC, former chef in college for dental hygiene. And yes, I have ventrilo!

Hopefully you guys think I'm an alright applicant, and I look forward to hearing back from you. :)

1. Do you meet our minimum requirements?
I think so!

2. Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
Originally on Bahamut, I had quit for a long time and reactivated to play with a friend on this server.

3. What time can you play?
During the summer, most times. When school starts again in the fall, most evenings should be fine.

4. Who can access your account? Why?

5. Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
Asking around in an exp party, I was told it was a pretty friendly and active shell, which is what I'm looking for.

6. References (within and outside). Preferably, a former LS leader or former Sack who can put their name on the line to vouch for you.
I'm pretty new to this server, so nobody really knows me yet. I'm not sure I can pick out a real reference. :(

7. A Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month) Also if you are on game events are mandatory. (i.e. should not xping, doing missions, etc) Would you have any problems meeting these requirements?
I'm sure I can make at least half, if not all events.

Heretic 06-23-2010 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Kaka (Post 18205)
About me: 27, male, from NYC, former chef in college for dental hygiene. And yes, I have ventrilo!

This is a very important question, do you have an accent? If you do not, fake one.

Kaka 06-23-2010 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Heretic (Post 18207)
This is a very important question, do you have an accent? If you do not, fake one.

My voice is pretty neutral until I get either super angry, or really ecstatic. Like when I found out that the only things RDM got in this update were regen 2 and tier 4's, which sent me into a mouthfoaming 5 minute long rage.

ClassicRed 06-23-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kaka (Post 18209)
My voice is pretty neutral until I get either super angry, or really ecstatic. Like when I found out that the only things RDM got in this update were regen 2 and tier 4's, which sent me into a mouthfoaming 5 minute long rage.

o.O Know anyone by the name Vryali ?
How bout Olorin?

lol ;3

Kaka 06-23-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by ClassicRed (Post 18210)
o.O Know anyone by the name Vryali ?
How bout Olorin?

lol ;3

Nope and nope.. I dunno if that's a good or bad thing judging by the part you bolded. lol

ClassicRed 06-23-2010 04:24 PM

Neither really :3 and difficult to explain till you get to know them XD but definitely funny because that describes their anger spats to the T

Kaka 07-01-2010 11:42 PM

Hey, just checking in on the application.. I haven't heard a reply either way. Just lemme know, I can take a no if that's what it is. :)

Lilyana 07-02-2010 07:57 AM

Sorry it took so long. Normally takes about a week but its been a crazy week for me in RL XD Send me a /tell on Lilyana and I'll come give you a pearl :) If I don't respond right away, I work from home so I may be in the other room but I'll get it to you as soon as possible :)

Kaka 07-02-2010 05:42 PM

Awesome, thanks! I'll contact you next time I'm on. Looking forward to some fun times! :)

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