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Acebeast 01-30-2011 11:28 PM

Acebeast's Application
75 + jobs- THF NIN 85+ WHM BLM BST SAM DRG SMN RDM.. all jobs 85+ are fully merited.
Do you meet our minimum requirements? yes

Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
MagesStarReborn- Can never get anything done in there..
Validus (Abyssea)- Too many unexperienced people and also couldn't get anything done whatsoever.
DaAbyss (Abyssea)- Currently a member

What time can you play? Anytime

Who can access your account? Only me

Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
Because, I need a LS that gets things done.

References (within and outside). None.

Do you understand a Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period? (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month)
yes i do

Bubian 02-02-2011 12:59 AM

Unfortunately, we *used to* get things done... Duckhunt is no longer! GL in your search for an LS that does end-game content :)

Acebeast 02-02-2011 05:18 PM

; ; That sucks lol

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