11-19-2010, 10:35 PM
Dethklok's App
75 + jobs- bst rdm nin thf pld brd blu blm cor 85+ bst pld brd blu blm cor
my jobs currently retired: rdm nin blu cor
i'm not fully meritted but i have merits properly placed and i could have th4 thf by 11-20-10
Do you meet our minimum requirements? yes
Past linkshell/server, reason for leaving?
Peepshow- social LS
Twisted- Abyssea LS (still currently a member)
HypnotiqDusk- dynamis LS (still currently a member)
DragoonZoo- left due to in inaction, they never did anything when i was a member
What time can you play? i'm on almost everyday, time depending i have a weird job schedule and a 1 year old daughter that sometimes occupies me but i'm usually on for 3-14 hrs when i'm on
Who can access your account? Only me i don't share my account
Why you want to come join DuckHUNT?
I want to join a LS that gets things done, and cares about helping their members i want to get nice gear and to finish missions i'm tired of being bored when i'm online, i want to enjoy ffxi again.
References (within and outside). i know a few of your members, but not overly too well, i'm sure Raslin can tell you a little about me
Do you understand a Minimum of of 50% attendance is MANDATORY during the trial period? (roughly 8 events/evenings in your first month)
yes i do and i will do my best to attend all events if i'm online to be there