Category : Misc.

Its Cloudstah’s Birthday today!

Cloudstah’s Bday card. (Click for large version) I know… like 99% of the people who reads this doesn’t know him… but he’s our almighty Salvage co-leader! He… leads our Salvage runs! He’s also a cool guy during non-salvage hours. To me, Cloud’s only got one thing in mind, Salvage! So I made him a little […]

Random Humor Videos (Non-FFXI)

Not me, this video. It made me cry, did you? LOL (Okay, totally random, not even FF related, but quite interesting lol) Oh and this one… how to cheat professionally while writing an exam. Its actually pretty good LOL, for us gamers who spend too much time MMO and no time studying!

Mai Sony Vaio TZ + Reinstall FFXI Tips!

Mai New Vaio TZ! Sony Vaio TZ91! Arrived, played with it for a few days already, it blew me away! Its very tiny, even smaller than a Mandragora ^^ I’ve always had a laptop beside me, and not having one for the past 7 months felt like my arm was chopped off… it felt weird, […]

Zelda: Phantom Hourglass… freaking good!

Zelda Phantom Hourglass – Mai Recording Playing Zelda on DS Yea man.. something to play while waiting for the FFXI-expansion.. and hope its good too… First impression about Zelda – Phantom Hourglass on DS was.. I thought the touch screen was there to just jot notes, but you literally play the whole game with the […]

A New Laptop Soon (TZ-91)!

Sony VAIO TZ? Mai Sony VAIO TZ Soon! Yea… since March, I’ve been doing single computing. I know I shouldn’t be complaining but… since high school (1999?), I’ve had a laptop with me all the time and everything would be organized accordingly, and everything would be setup so that I can multi task etc. Ever […]