Category : Final Fantasy XI

Update after the Maintenance…

I think i’ll make a post today and shame jet. So yesterday was a big maitanence and update, which means we can look forward to a bunch more maitanences while we wait for them to fix everything they broke! Some people were having horrible download times last night, so because we couldn’t do any of […]

Cleaning Tonberry Hate…

Quote: the guy wants 6k to erase my tonberry hate… there’s no way i’m paying that!! exhibit A: this happened while attempting to get a thief’s knife pop for kylex, yes, after homepointing and running back to the temple, i paid the 6k. Grats on your knife kylex! all in all we had to farm […]

Elysia’s Spring Cleaning!

first things first^^ spring cleaning! i had a lot of spaces being taken up by gear i never need or use, there was more i could have thrown out, but some things i just can’t bring myself to part with. i mean, theres some things you just can’t get back again. i might not ever […]

New Banner from HK!

Check out the hot new banner!! *points up* HK made that! It’s pretty win right?!^^ he makes me look way more bad ass then i really am

Sexy Results!!

Don’t ask about the title… i’m still giggling… I think i forgot to mention in my last post (and how it could have slipped my mind is a mystery to me) but i lost my argus ToD while i was up in sky one night. I almost wept when i realized what had happened, i […]