Category : Final Fantasy XI

the Psychology behind MMORPGs

When I first started this game three months ago at the prompting, encouragement, and nagging of Maiev – I really had two purposes. To relax and spend the summer not working not studying (4yrs of a med-sci degree + all summers doing research or working = long deserved break). To find out what the draw […]

Tazo’s banner in more simpler words…

Someone has asked me wtf o.O does my banner mean. So without writing a couple thousand word essay on the topic (which I could if you’re interested XD), this is what I’m trying to say: Women even into the new millenium are seen as the weaker sex. I understand that there have been changes, and […]

[Fan Art] Dark Lilies!

Yeah, I’m excited coz Halloween is my fave holiday and definitely my fave event in ffxi also. Have you read about the upcoming event then? If not, here’s the url for the main ff site: I already told Inore about this event and he knows I won’t take “NO” for an answer… we are […]

…..thoroughly demoralized

Reality check time for Connie & Tazo who spent 12+ hours on CoP 2.5. Mission still not done. 0/7. What is this game doing to me? Why am I crying over a GAME? I never cried over being head-shotted millions of times in CounterStrike, or when I tried for hours trying to beat 8-feet Butterfly […]

WoW: Alli Trash Rapes E-Life Funeral

Raping Someone’s E-Funeral?! Would you go Raid a Virtual Funeral? This happaned awhile ago, but here’s what really happened. A girl that plays WoW, die in real life due to a stroke :/ She was a really nice player and was very helpful in a Horde Guild. Anyway, so the guild member wanted to host […]