Category : Final Fantasy XI

The Stick Up His Butt

Finally a good time to leave Dynamis {rofl} Wow, the linkshell that thinks that owns us and honestly has a stick up their butt. after run with Frypan over a year, this how they treat members. that linkshell lose members every run and always have fresh new face each run. their retention of members is […]

Sakurakun’s Clothcrafter Gouge

Wow…what an update for Clothcrafters! I’m a lvl 94 clothcrafter and i’ve been trying to get myself through the next synthesis gap from 94 to 98. and bam…this update came along! i really hate these updates because things always get inflated and they always mess up ppl who are trying to skill up on crafts. […]

Wedding Application #2

I redid the the wedding application for my two fwens – Jingex and Ravynne. This time i saw a new option available in the wedding service application…or at least i think it’s new. haha…i put down Mandau and Claustrum as weapon choice for Jingex (Brd) and Ravynne (Blm) =P. I wonder if they’ll let them […]

Tales of Keiffa on Fenrir.

Keiffa of Fenrir’s Blog Yea… got a job.. and its like eating my time >.> I get home, 1hr to shower and iron my clothes for tomorrow.. then its 8:30pm for events… then goes straight to 11:30… then Salvage right after… and I’m probably doing some preparation for work during Salvage.. so I literally have […]

Happy Bday Ciermel + Drops!

Happy Bday Ciermel + Drops!

I dont know if i’ll complete before the day is over, but today is Ciermel’s birthday ^_^ so happy birthday girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so yah, today was really busy for us. we spent most of the day getting AFs for our jobs. we got the those gloves for my drk from The Eldieme Necropolis and the smn […]