Category : Final Fantasy XI


Oh my god, I finally got hold of this anime! Finally! If you don’t know about Clannad, this link may give you some ideas (don’t read too far though! a lot of spoilers there!). It took almost 3 years for this amazing novel to be turned into an anime, and I have absolutely no complaint […]

Random Amanomurakumo Screenshot!

Here’s some random weapon skill pictures. XD

The Greatest Journey !!!

Haha.. I was close and got so excited I didn’t even bother to update Stage 4 Damage! Bubian and I finished 2 days ago borrowing our last pieces needed. Here’s our Journey with LOTS of pictures! First I went to the Switchstix to chat …

Bad Taru Mai :x

According to the link above, I got it on June 6, 2006~. I was still in a HNMLS at the time. Although there was no announcements or encouragement from anyone (to me) in the LS to “Please use bots”, It was purely voluntary on my part. The reason I was under the unknown list, to […]

Wake me up when September ends!

The last week was a pretty good week for me! I got my exams results for the pre-sessional course for my Master study, and it turned out that I did pretty well :D (in top 10 or so, I can’t remember XD), so that means I will be less worried about the course itself, which […]