Category : Final Fantasy XI

Tav Banner

ahhh… another banner!!! Yeah, I got bored easily and made another banner >.< I wanted to make something with a tavzanian theme since that is the mission where inore and lenn are now and I actually spent hours in Tavnazian Household taking screenshots and going over every single pathway and house I can check on […]

Cursed Dalmatica -1 [Jayashaya]

Cursed Dalmatica -1 [Jayashaya]

I wasn’t goin make a post (really!!) until I get my essays done but exception can happen! My friend Jayashaya… made a HQ of Dalmatica. I was determined not to login but… I had to, say Gratz to the person who was receiving it, afterall, they are all friends that once adventure with me! JayTalu […]

Fear Gration!

Gration! ciermel asked me one day to go help out in a nm fight named gration so i agreed and went…and it looked like a regular giant to me but oh boy 6 of us were fighting it for 2 hours i died about 2 times ciermel died couple times while fighting i had to […]

Promy 2nd Team

So the 2nd team from LS did promy dem yersteday…they failed,too bad same thing happend to the 1st team but then we came back and defeated all 3 with ease now the 2nd is given time to prepare better and lvl up some jobs like nin or rdm so the fight goes easier and more […]

[Video] Playing the Blues

The Real Post! Mai’s finger is about to fall off but at least I… Finish the guides! XD Both the MaiTalu’s Blue DD and Blu/ninChain 5 solo Vids! Writing em up took ages, worst than writing papers, but at least its done now :O Anyway, I’ve also spent the weekend creating a video inspired by […]