Category : Final Fantasy XI

Level 20 – My first screenshot!

My 1st screenshot zomg!

Level 0 to 20

I have no pictures of baby Tazo because I didn’t learn how to take screenshots (SS) until I was leveling in Quifm! I don’t remember much about xping for those levels, except: 1) Valkrum Dunes is very scary at low levels, 2) Selbina has no moogles, and no chocobos :(.

Sky map for the Nabs!

Daranoon totally forgot about how to do sky xD so I made him something… LOL, ya it was more for a laughter xD Well I’ve customized a Sky Map for his use! Feel free to use as well XD

HQ Snow Ring [Maiev]!

does not exist…HQed on Xariana’s synth and…. Anyway, Gratz to Aquilo’s Ring!

Maiev’s 1st Fanart – by Farkee

LOL I think to Farkee, this is ALL THAT I DO >.>