Category : Final Fantasy XI

Aloha Al’Taiu!

I’m very happy to say that Tazo’s ship has made it out to SEA! :)  These were taken by Yusuisum and they looked awesome at 1900×600 resolution. I wish I could take pictures like that :(. I’m not sure how to fix my FF resolution without messing it up. (If it’s not broken, don’t fix […]

Maiev Soloed Fenrir & Kraken Club Fun!

MaiTalu soloed Fenrir! That record is held by 6 other adventures, including Maiev! Damn right, soloed that bitch! Well vids comin, just haven’t had the time due to exam. Well since when you beat the BC, you cannot re-enter right away, so I had Ciermel to go SS for me! Comedy Gold Screenshot! XD! Here’s […]

I hate camping NM’s!!!

Am I just a slave to gaming world? After pulling an all nighter because of FF-induced procrastination (read: merit parties, and my last dynamis flag!). I still managed to finish a really nice design project for psychology (I’m a Type-A personality), so it can’t be just half-a** done, it has to be full-a**! I stayed […]

Why do I rdm/pld in meritpo!

This entry is YouTube heavy :x so you RSS reader gotta click into my blog this time :) Some fun with Fafnir Limbo Yep :) bored, Trio Limbo Fafnir with Istari, Weeber and I. Bard is so not useless in that fight because we killed it with a truckload of mp remaining. Anyway, a vid […]

{Who?} Tsunade?!

Before we begin! Windower 3.24 out! Go get it @ the Official Website. What WHM do when they are bored… / 300 Chain Guide See most people cure themselves when they want skillups :) I guess when Tsunade’s board, he goes to cure mobs :O! Nevertheless, he capped his healing skills! *What about Summoning skills, […]