Category : Final Fantasy XI

Why start blogging!

Its been ask, like seriously, I’ve played for um.. almost 3 years? and I start blogging, you are kinda missing out a lot of stuff. But it really began from visiting Strawberrie’s Website which is now at A Fantastic Blog written by Strawberrie of Odin! How it all started? Well it all began from […]

Imps Party with RL Friendz!

k LOL 36k exp in like um… 4 hours isn’t too shibby. but you know the party got to end when ppl in ur party eats these over “Ginger Cookie” So I ended the party quickly by… hehe Parser Results Anyway, went to do some mini skillup to cap my exp bar and…ya, f-kin Eviseraion […]

What to do when there’s maintenance?

Maintenance on Final Fantasy FFXI (FF) now means site overhaul and reflection time. Enjoy! It’s been a little over one and a half months of knowing my character Tazo, and I’ve noticed that FF has really taken over my real life (RL). If I said I haven’t sacrificed real life friends, relationships, work, family, and […]

Ciermel’s Moghouse!

view facing from the door view facing the door shots on the four corners of the moghouse

Goldfishing and my pressie!

Sunbreeze festival started 25th of July. You can tell by the decor, summerfest music, fireworks and of curs, the rakapopo dancers. I hastily went straight to Rabao by doing the goldfishing event. As usual, Mei was is so enthusiastic about it. After a while, my buddy talus, Inore and Kaire joined me. Took me about […]