Category : Final Fantasy XI

Dia II, RDM Merit Points!

Maiev’s Tier II Merit Point Setup! New Merit Points setup! Some people ask why I did my specific upgrades in merit, here’s my explanation. First read the discusson on about red mage merits I’ve also previously tested Stoneskin and Phalanx Potency on this thread. Bio2 @ 220skill does 7dmg/tick Bio2 @ 276 skill does […]

Mai Blue Artifact Armors!

Blu AF cut scenes are kinda cool, but hehe, dunno I like these two that I took. I won’t enlarge it, so it won’t spoil the log/storyline. After hours and hours of farming, Sumnydera and I finally got all the materials needed ‘~”, and hay!

Promathia fight ‘~”

Was bored, went to help Ogazn with Promathia fight, hehe, was fun definately, sometime fighting different thing is more fun than one stupid dragon that only knows how to wing.

Zzzing sheeptalu & moogle outside moghouse!!!

ohhh… weird stuffs i saw today… like this one: yeah i was walkin at Caedarva Mire with Inoretalu during our pup questy when i saw this sheep sleeping while grazing at the field. i knew i gotta take a pic coz this is so cool ^^ then after�a days leveling and questing i was chillin’ […]

Ciermel’s 1st SATA on Blue Mage!

yay im lvl 30 now and i subbed thf and i get sneak attack. i tried it with�this party at yhoatar jungle and here’s the result ^^ first i tried SA battledance and SA claw cyclone but im only averaging 80 damage. then i switched to bludgeon and i liked it much better ^^