Category : Final Fantasy XI

Exping Mai Lv68 Blue Mage!

ZOMG exping @ Bibiki Bay is SOO slow :/ I guess slow, but at least good xD, the thf was pretti good I must say :) Well basically PTing with me = good :o As usual, I end my party with a 1k Needles xD Parser Results

Exping with Ciermel :o

Maiev and Ciermel! Maiermel Its definately been awhile tat I’ve exp with Ciertalu, but exping with her whm brings back those old-school Onzozo Exp pt experience :) Toomuch Powerz, hero etc :O I’ll post erm.. parser later but take note of the chat log… we obviously have some suck ass melee there -.- All nubs […]

Patch Prep + Some Parrying Skillupz

was 10/10 but 8174/10000 so I went to solo some exp and hay :) parry skillup ‘~” and ya, I don’t think I’ll see this ever again anytime soon :(

Inorelin’s LOLPup =)

So i was leveling my pup lately its 18 now all solo lol i dont want to PT, PT’s bore me sometimes and i like to do stuff on my own and pup is a good job for doing stuff on your own…so i changed him to look like a wizard i love hannyas hat, […]

Exping for the Patch!

Trying to maxed it out, begain with 6/10 today, pt with Sath and 3 rangers rofl, wasn’t bad minus the so many deaths lol (oh ya, Sath does really nice Jins, click to see his WS gear!), ya finish with this, went to Caedarva Mire (Dvucca Isle), was fun, but exp was pure shit :< […]