Category : Final Fantasy XI


Tazo IRL! About Connie Age: …???… Sex: Female Height: 5’3″ Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Status: not looking ^^ Occupation: university student/student teacher/aspiring teacher Sports: badminton, yoga, golf, v-ball (n00b), softball Loves: food, cooking, art, margaret atwood, museums, wine tasting … Gaming Systems: famicom/NES/SNES/N64/GameCube/DS-lite, PS1, Xbox, PC Games (arcade): bust-a-move, mario kart, area 51, street fighter, […]

Tazo the Bard on Fenrir

Tazo Taru with Sha’ir Manteel! Tazo Taru IRL Age: …???… Sex: Female Height: 3’2″ Hair: Steel Blue Eyes: Sparkling Blue Status: Single TaruTaru Female seeking TaruTaru Male! Occupation: BRD75,WHM37,BLM43,BST24,NIN17,WAR10,RDM8,MNK2 Sports: Running, /poke-ing people, hiding in bushes Loves: Fireworks, clothes shopping, Maiev-brand jewellery Pet peeves: finding NPCs, navigating maps, navigating without maps, missions

Ciermel’s FF Friends on Fenrir

here’s a collection of pics of my fwens in ff, i still treasure the memories we have together ^^ Ciermel and Inorelin, we share a lot of great experience in our linkshell. Maiev and I shared a wealth of experience, from newbie 2003 till endgame. We had a lot of wonderful times together. CC and […]

Bonecraft 60 ‘~”

Don’t know if this would be consider an achievement ‘~”, kinda PLed that shit. Cheap as fook, like 500k loss :). Don’t know why I categorize that as Shiny Things too :o

Ciermel’s crafting levels

ciertalu luvs to craft too! her main guild is the carpentry guild or a.k.a. woodworking. but she also has to lvl the other sub skills if she wanna be the bestest woodworker in fenrir. below is the list of the guild and what her current skill level is. if u want her to synth you […]