Category : Final Fantasy XI

Capped Throwing / More Parrying

Capping all Weapon Isn’t easy :) Throwing is one of it. But I just go skillup whenever I feel like playing :) The shit thing about this is… you get no new weapon skills unlike regular weapons. At least you get Wheeling Thrust (although you can’t use it!) Plusss its a 6 sec delay weapon… […]


As per Title! Mm hmm, I’m glad how stuff are in FFXI now. I can finally erm.. totally cut off my addiction to it. I can play.. or not play ^^. At least its not “forced to play” or “I feel bad not playing”. Unlike Ashiya who just doesn’t play lol. Nevertheless, at least I […]

/lsKick Emos

Finally an Onion post! Its been awhile I’ve done any blogging. I lost my habit somehow. But since Farkee wanted me to.. so I did! Well the reason I haven’t been blogging is mostly due to a busy school schedule! Stuff are near the end so lots and lots of stuff to do / hand […]

Lv70 SAM and Parrying it to Lv75!

Going slowly… I know I can do it! Leveling Parrying is like leveling Goldsmithing. It might seem impossible, but its so cool to see it rising little by little! Baby steps! Since 62 (when I have parrying uncapped), I never partied again. I mean some people might argue sure, get 75 first then level it, […]

Missions, Parrying and lots more!

Pics from Rank 8 for Ciermel Damn right! Sorry if I left you tarus in the dark =P I went on a vacation with my friend. I’ll make a post about it “mebbe”, but in a nutshell, I went to Niagara Falls for a few days just to chill and watch ice sheets fall […]