Category : Final Fantasy XI

Maiev and Tazo More Exping & 3ds

First thing first, damn if you’re from Fenrir, gotta start blogging, I only know Etain is the only other talu tat blogs -.- Like what people always say, you learn how to step on the gas padel before you learn how to turn, you learn how to swear before u learn how to speak the […]

Squishey love Maiev – lol Rheotical!

Your boyfriend cheated on you! Squishey kiss me while I went to afk :< 100% Genuine!

Promy 2nd try for Inorelin!

So you remember how we failed the last promy…beacuse we were not really well organized but we hope to change it this time and make sure everyone goes ready…and also we will probably take more people this time so when were going through the crag we can fight off the enemy incase we aggro but […]

You Cannot Escape From the Game

So today my brother named Milymag came back into the game after a month of not playing,but he could not resist any longer and finnaly started playing again and all the new people on the LS did not even know who he is lol. He just came back from a surgery so he will stay […]

Learning about 3D Editing (& Dalm Coloring)

ya, well I started this blog, for 2 reasons. One is to erm.. post e-peen >.> well not exactly, more like trying to build my history back, since i got SO much SS (make a story book kinda thing), secondly, is to learn about dat editing and showing my progress. Was on plane, mad bored, […]