Category : Final Fantasy XI

What Mai Enjoy in FFXI?!

Ciermel’s FFXI Signature! As of Now, Signatures! Tata, my new sig for Ciermel! (350px) Sig URL: Still not good at it :( I can use some more practice so if you want a siggy ^^; jus reply in the comment hehe So what’s the deal? So I haven’t really done anything related to FFXI […]

Quitting FFXI – Now with Categories!

No, I’m not quitting. ~_~ I just wanted to spend sometime thinking about people I’ve seen “Quit” FF. There are probably more categories, but these are all I can think of at the moment. Case 1 – Real Winners! Ones that have flat out stopped playing FFXI. I applaud these people for being able to […]

Quest: The Opo-Opo and I (Princess Tazo quest! ^^)

I know this is a level 68 item, but being a lazy non-quest-loving tarutaru, I waited a month after reaching 75 on bard to start the quest. Before I could even get to start the quest I had to turn in MORE cornettes for fame ; ;. Here are some highlights of the ten items […]

WoW and XI together?

I mean ya i’m all settled IRL but FFXI isn’t even motivating me to click the PlayOnline Icon… I can’t really think of other reason but I think my main reason is that I can’t deal with people who /random emo [Maiev] You can say I’m already at the breaking point I suppose… so there […]

Level 30 intimacy "Past Reflection"

After a long time of leveling with my npc, i finally reached lvl 30 intimacy. Is that good you ask? Yes indeed… I will tell you why ^^ First I get to do a new quest entitled “Past Reflection” I talked to the Luto and Cupapa showed also at the same time. She wanted us […]