Category : Final Fantasy XI

The Choco

YEAH! my choco got out of his thingy…egg shell…its great! i took it on a walk it was all funny walking its cute i cant wait till it grows up ^^ too bad its a whole month but i am sure it will be worth it and i hope i dont fail at feeding it […]

Tazo Achieve: Rank 8

Tazo Achieve Rank 8! I don’t know how long I’ve been stuck at rank 6, but I’m happy to say….. RANK EIGHT BABY! ^^ Arigato to my friend Nephtis for having the patience to set up the parties & alliances and shouting across Vana’diel! … also thanks to the Monk-eys (Soulcalibur & Yusuisum) for coming […]

my chickie baby

Blue Mage – 1900 Death Scissors!

73 to 74 took ages…… quite a few parties! Enough Bullshitting, time for some real numbers! Of cuz one of my happiest moment in PT would be… The Party’s Parser Results can be found here. PTed with Eeto (by accident) lol. didn’t really take too much SS but here’s the setup it pulled pretti close, […]

An attempt… to draw a taru.

Yes. It’s a moogle. Taru ears are hard. Enjoy my 50 lb overweight moogle!