Category : Final Fantasy XI

“Embarrass” by Daggy

Masterpiece from Daggy Maiev, Farkee and Daggy Huggie! This lovely piece of artwork is drawn by Daggy. She named it “Embarrass” I guess a little bit embarrassed if you have people like “Farkee” beside two gals during sleeps…

Taj busted ffxiclopedia’s dirty secrets!

Sorry man, its 6am, but I’m pretty entertained by this… Taj was right though, he asked them nicely to post some bills, hosting plan etc…. but he refuses to even give out those details. So in the end, Taj had to break it through and find it out for us… I didn’t donate to […]

A guide of how to talk with RMT’s!

Took awhile to compile it but… here it is! I’ve pretty much went through the translator and get the most commonly used phrases and translate them. Its not complete, but will get the basic idea across. So here it is… Talking to RMT Guide Enjoy ^^; oh yea, if you do find any mistakes, by […]

A Salvage Poem~ by Arcrist (its pretty damn good)

Arcrist – Fenrir Server. Alexander shakes with laughter, after all we’re naked, Under intense psionic pressure. We enter like lame Akpallu, standing in awe. With only 100 minutes there’s no time to stall! A race between Galka and Taru is the first of our tests, There’s 10 fucking cells waiting in that chest!! Leader calls […]

You would want to play FFXI more after watching GT’s FFXI Trailer!

Seriously… makes you wanna play FFXI after you watch this! Thx to my bf: Istari for this link!