Category : Final Fantasy XI

Burnt 2 Exp Ring, but 0xp!

Long LFP Sucks got home, 12 pst, felt like FFIng so… seeking for 4 hours only to find no LFP… cuz I was goin double charge exp ring (put 1 on, seek and have a 7/7 exp ring rdy) well inbetween I got an invite.. but it turned out like this -.- o well. so […]

Promy 2nd Take

So we like i said we will,we have done the promy for the 2nd time and this time we have won holla mea and dem by the first time in 1 day! we done very well and everyone done their jobs really good, the bosses could not stop us we broke down each boss by […]

IGE is a Haxxor? or Onry trying to Scam!

He must be smoking crack, or trying to send a keylogger to me or something. But let me give you a tip, many people have tried to play tricks on my account but it will never work. Sure I have 100GS, KC etc but…. I’m not internet stupid, and so is all my rl friends […]

New Banner!!!

ahhhh…. kindah bored so i made a new banner. i changed cctalu’s and inoretalu’s outfit and their weapons too into something a lil bit cooler! plus.. i added the three promy crag mobs from holla, dem and mea. lemme know what u think.. feedback pls ^^

Wanting to Backlog… Someday!

I have so much stuff to back-blog, but I’ve been way too lazy about it. As they say, a picture’s worth a thousand words so enjoy! At Shunzi’s suggestion I’m using 4 fireworks almost simultaneously: summer fan, festive fan, papillon, and datechoppin.