Category : Final Fantasy XI

Skeletor Botting in Party?!

I made a GM called the other day on a player named Skeletor. He’s a lvl 75 rdm that i gotten to familiar based on merit pts. from what i gathered, this guy oftentimes AFK… i’m not talking about 5-10 minutes. im talking about 30 minutes ++. Where the ldr had to boot him for […]

Taru Wedding Dress DAT ‘~”

Taru Wedding Dress I saw this dat on yesterday, and since I only AFK in Alterac Valley (here, live screenshot with me in it), thought I’d do some FFXI rendering. It turned out pretty nice :D At first I wanted the Shantotto laugh, but I thought… since its a wedding dress, why not make […]

Buh bye Infinyte =(

My good fwen on my Infinyte, a member of duckHUNT, has decided to use that lame world transfer thing and left us on Fenrir =/. he left last monday i think =/. took a while to post this cuz i was studying for my finals =/. {/sigh} ….one less poke-ga on fenrir >_<. he’s on […]

Update on Account Stealing!

From the FFXIAH Staff =P First off, I’d like to briefly comment on the FFXIAH Ad(s). Although annoying and unacceptable by our users & admins, I just wanted to be clear that adware/spyware from an advertisement does not equate to a key stroke logger capable of stealing FFXI accounts. I’m not saying it’s not possible […]

So… Accounts under Siege

Its the hot topic these days… no one’s really sure at this point in terms of… where the malware is coming from. Regardless, the only common thing I see is they were using Internet Explorer. There’s a lot of finger pointing everywhere, especially the FFXIAH. I personally don’t know anything since I just block ads […]