Category : Final Fantasy XI

An attempt to make sigs ‘-‘

Um.. its been awhile….. just trying to keep my photoshop and 3ds max skills sharpen :O Made tazo a siggy, dunno if she’ll like it hehe feel free to drop me a comment , or if u want me to make a sig, not the best at it but practice makes better ^^; [Edit: version […]

The new Ciel

Day 19 and I went to check on my chickie baby… but I was so surprised… she actually looks different this time. She grew up into a fine young chocobo ^^ She has grayish tail feathers… a fwen of mine told me she might be blue or green… is that even possible? Plus, you can […]

lol GM[Dave]

read this first, than this. lol! went to watch the Illusionist, definately a good movie! althouhg i kinda fell into all the tricks >.> hehe. finish 24 season 2,3 now, onto season 4!! btw take the survey about linkshell beta! tell em they suck and gotta add more stuff to it!

YAY!!! another level

ahhh… Cupapa gained another level today ^^ BTW i changed her battle style from healer to attacker since I normally level her with my whm.. too much mages! So, now, she is the melee fighter, go go Cupapa!!! Given time she leveled to 35 and woot got a new armor… too bad I still don’t […]

This isn’t how you play Blue Mage!

Yes, you got my word! This blu, is absolutely retarded imo. 73blu outparse 74/nin blu, so much for the “blinks” heh. If you are a blue mage and reading this, you better be subbing thf and using TP to do CA stuff… ok lets start rambling about this shit ass blu. Kay! I can’t believe […]