Category : Final Fantasy XI

Shinobi,High Five!

Dzien Dobry…as you can see i been lvling ninja lately! its fun…it is like the only meele job i can play with…otherwise i only play with mage jobs, but ninja is quite fun you get to use the ninja jutsu alot and i am almost lvl 18 and then i get to use shrukiens! high […]

Gassan,high five!

Ciermel told me about some shinobi katana you get from killing a pop nm it was a big bloody leech and we killed it and i got the item^^ another fun thing

Utusemi quest, Very nice! high five!

So i went ahead and did the long necklace thingy to get fame in norg and then i finnaly went and got the utusemi quest and ciermel helped me get it it was quite fun walking around that dark place and the cutscene with the oh i am so-cool ninja was fun lol take care […]

A step into the past….(SS Collage)

Lots of things have been happening in real life (finished my first stint as a gr.11 teacher) and in game (chugging along in CoP, experiencing my first taste of ‘drama’), so it’s nice to pause and stop to smell the roses, and look back at some older Tazo pictures! Here’s a hopefully bigger version of […]

Bijuo, Enfeebling Research!

What’s going on in-game! Not too much, did a few bcnm a few days ago b4 I went to watch a movie :3 poop drop! When you are in an LS with a bunhc of xp whore, you tend to get asked for bc a lot more! 4 stacks of KS to go! npnp! I�d […]