Category : Final Fantasy XI

FFXI to RL – Tazo’s Bday, Daggy’s Poster!

Lawl, tazo & connie’s bday :) this girl’s getting older!! and zomg soon goin teach little kids English and Math :O! Connie’s been a really great friend to me :o. Life would have been significantly differentt if she wasn’t around. I’d probably be already dead from starvation if she didn’t feed me during HNM camps […]


I used to play this game with my friend Hollam in Summer ’06 . . . our highest level we ever got was Level 12. This game is a very very addictive version of whack-a-mole, that uses your NUMpad. The rules get harder as you go, and it’s really a lot of fun. This game […]

Owning Nighteagle :)

These screenies is long time ago, but thought I’d share it now, its pretty lol, 100% satisfaction guarantee. One day, I was chilling, crafting and Nighteagle message me so I “nicely” reply? Here’s what happened… Nighteagle and Maiev’s Chat Log Regarding loosing 32m, yea :< I've broke 4 vir subligar to make manteels. This is […]

Duckies’ Jailer of Love, and dead Ciermel SS!

Duckies’ Jailer of Love, and dead Ciermel SS!

Duckies decided to pop a Love today :) due to lack of WHM, I had to 2box Cier’s WHM! With recent practice, I was pretty confident that I can 2box healers in the tank party! Anyway, so what all happened with Duckies’ Love? DuckHUNT’s 1st Jailer of Love! Amazing! Smooth! When I was in Omen, […]

Happy New Year :)

Happy New Year :)

Yup, 2007! Started FF in 2003 Oct, so its damn 3 years :3 Anyway, hope all your wishes come true ^^; Just went to watch Charlotte’s Web :3 A book which I never finished in childhood but damn… so touchy T.T Its been awhile that I’ve seen a kids movie, but its a damn good […]