Category : Final Fantasy XI

Tazo’s Mog House ^_^;

Tazo’s Mog House (Design by Mai!) Tazo’s Mog House (Design by Maiev) Impressive? I’ve always like open-concept. It all began with my high-school crush ‘.’ her Condo was… completely open concept :O and ever since then… I like stuff wide-open. So to express that kinda open-ness, I’ve applied it to FFXI’s Mog House! Btw: I’ve […]

Kaeko’s Proposed AV Strats

Its here! Its interesting :) Sounds viable… now just how would you execute this… you know not everyone will read from top to bottom of that thread. /thinks if its even doable :O Strat sounds okay… for a good try.

Azima (NPC) 20 years ago!

Azima the NPC 20 years ago! NPC in WotG Did you know that even NPC have a face-lift 20 years ago? I was walking around and found that… and since I remember seeing it so.. I went to check it out myself… although the jump from “hot Hume” to “super old lady” is kinda a […]

FFXIAH Achievement Points!

New Features! FFXIAH Achievement Points! Oh man… new features on the AH > stupid patch updates *or “New Equipment* lol… So yea… FFXIAH recently rolled out this new feature call FFXIAH Achievement Points. It ranks everyone who register based on how much they’ve achieve… here’s the rough idea. Whenever you gain a level, that’s an […]


i’m getting bored of dynamis. seems like 6hrs/week of my life gone to waste. and now ppl are complaining directly to the sacs that they’re not getting haste/-na spells then asking me for it first (which actually cost me an attendence points) is just getting lame now (._.). I cant read ppl mind. and if […]