Category : Final Fantasy XI

And there was Ultima….

And there was Ultima….

Well…this is me sitting at the entrance of Temenos doing nothing on monday night. u know y? cuz i forgot my soap >_< i blame infinyte… mostly because he logged onto FFXI late and i have no one else to blame beside myself =/. worst part is that i’m the only whm in alliance @_@; […]

Made some custom freckle DAT!

The Edited Version. Brown Eyes minus Freckles – Right One ^^ Freckle Taru You know how sometimes moving a few things around the room makes it like a totally new place? I kinda like moving things around once awhile, orientation um… angles and it feels like you’ve just moved to your new home. I kinda […]

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Sakurakun’s Clothcrafting!

A while back i decided that clothcraft would be my 100 craft. it seems lately that almost everyone have a craft near or close to 100 and i kind of feel left out =(. i guess the other reason for lvling clothcraft is because i really wanted to synthesize my own signed aristocrat’s coat:   […]

The Maintenance

Here�s a 3D group photo that Maiev made for our new website ^_^. It�s not too hard to find me lol. I�m wearing my BST AFv2 attire and my little CC pet is right bellow me ^_^.. ps – apparently a naked taru pops out on the website ever so often …..