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'Parrying and Optical Hat!'

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'Parrying and Optical Hat!'
Copyright (c) the StarOnion, 2005-2017. I own everything else except for the TaruTarus.
Waaaa gratz for your sam^^ Going to greet that old guy Maat with that too? And lol for optical hat, you suck coz you actually don’t have one yet after all this years of playing (XD)
Sam is good! Michael started leveling that yesterday as long with me BLU lvl1! And will get soboro this week :D
!_! hey there^^ randomly jumped on your blog from Jowah’s, and found my twin taru in your screenshots xD /amagad
lovely blog~ a lot of end-game stuff I don’t really get, but nice never the less :3
The first version of the keyboard was supposed to be black/white…
Still expensive though lol
Im a 75 Sam and I still dont own an O-hat lol.
That was a lot of fun Mai, I got to be a part of two things i’ve wanted to do for a lonnnnng time. 1) Do my first ever Hakutaku run with 6 ppl, and 2) Kill Ogama for an Amanojaku(tytytytytytytyty
ddr fucking rocks!
and that OLED keyboard has been announced for so long, wish it’d come out sooner =
Hang on, where are you skilling up and are those Lamia around you?
By the way, get a Sukesada.
I’ve thought that keyboard was sexy for a long time now. Like jtaru said, wish it’d come out already (even though it will probably cost an arm and a leg)!
Lamias……..i think those are running to AlZhabi for Besieged XD
Well it’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one who’s been playing for a couple years and still don’t have an O-hat…I gave away my cluster too >
hay everyone :) thanks for dropping by
just got back from holiday so :D goin take a bit to get the hang of blogging again :D