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'Missions, Parrying and lots more!'

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'Missions, Parrying and lots more!'
Copyright (c) the StarOnion, 2005-2017. I own everything else except for the TaruTarus.
MAievvvvvv!! too bad daggy quit or she can come play with us on Fenrir xD!!!! maybe we can make her play with us o_o!!
I hope she haven’t quit yet XD!
<3 you Farkee :)
°_°; amagad Mai!! not only you left a nice comment on my baby blog… I even get to be advertised on your awesome LJ ; ; /head explodes with joy
If this server swap thingy isn’t way too complicated maybe I’ll give a try lol :P I’m still kinda newb so I’m probably not gonna lose too much if I start over on fenrir (*’-‘) lotsa cool people on your server! buuut, poor Ciermel I can’t steal her name XD /mumble I’ll start thinking of a new one >.>
lol ;o didn’t purposely write you :), it just happen to be a… erm.. interesting topic!!
on the side note =P I like reading new adventures blog, reminds me of my good old times :), kinda nice to hav a blog to record your whole ffxi journey :) imo, wish i did that back then XD
zomg you updated… it’s gonna snow!
Oh wait, it already did here. Dammit. :D
dude there’s this kid that started posting on my blog that’s pretty emo…
now he’s flaming me cuz he needs a boost in ego! shitty deal for him
sorry was so busy irl :O I’ll be making an onion post later :)
Thank you for the world-transfer thing about me, and the help you gave me again in past days. And still I need to male you brown dat – -;;;;;
Vrs won’t work anymore on my machine and I’m waiting a new comp.