So I woke up… I saw a damn Wind Ore (Yes, buying damn Wind Ore / Wind Bead is like impossible)… so happy and…
Yea.. I freaking broke it… G.G.
I was pretty pissed… so I enclosed myself in Den of Rancor all day…
Parrying Skillup…. and I got…
and going because I was pissed from earlier… rawrrr!
SOOO CLOSE!! So… no way I’m stopping!
Sweet Cake! I can stack up to 294 Parrying Skills!
I just beat FFXI ^^; Cap parrying without a tank job: O As of today, I still don’t have a tank job xD
A bit of Experience about Parrying
- These onions didn’t give good parrying skill until 263. So before 263, I suggest Even Match onions or stick with Crabs.
- The above so call “day” is actually 22 hours. I stayed up to get it done, so 9 levels in 22 hours is a pretty bad parry/hr ratio.
- You can goto the toilet while parrying skillup. I usually come back and I’m only half dead
- Beverage is also fine, I usually rush for the fridge after I give a quick heal.
- How do I burn all the time? Usually when I watch Naruto or Bleach, I usually -skip- all the fillers, well this is a good time to watch them.
- Chatting on MSN works. Surfing facebook also works too. I didn’t get killed while hanging around there!
- Reading a book = dead taru. You get get too into it that… you forgot about parrying.
- WHM 65 was able to sustain healing without any problem, so is a 75 blm!
- I had great fun. Puck was damn boring though, its not a method that everyone can go through
Parry Proc?
With 256 Evasion (as Samurai) and 269 parrying, Parrying Proc was slightly more than half of Evasion Proc. That makes sense. This proc data was again, collected using a “UtsuWatch [14]” plugin, there’s a RT Stats inside, a real time parser that reads memory instead of the chat log (which can often skips a few lines). Keeping gear the same Mai’s Parrying Skillup [15] post, I was able to see a steady increase in Parrying proc… ending up with a 21.4% @ Parrying 269 with Steelshell.

A few things to note for the statistics.
- Crabs can be in variations of DC, Em, or T, I tend to pull T, I pull them equally and hopefully, a balance.
- Each session consists of strictly one exp ring. When the exp ring is out, I warp out. Each crabs hits me roughly 35 times before it dies, takes around 28 crabs to kill an exp ring (I duo with a partner), therefore the proc rate above consists of over 1k hits.
- Proc rate were calculated as follow
- When I ding into a new parrying level, I record down the “current parrying proc” into spreadsheet
- If that session did not give me a parry skillup, I record the proc rate for the whole session.
- I assume each parrying session is 90 minutes. (Timed once, for non-stop killing)
- When I ding into a new level, I take the “current parrying proc” again. Totaling up the time it took per session to roughly derive a parrying/hr ratio.
- The time was also recorded. If I took 30 minutes last session (since a new parrying skill), and took 90 minutes today and got a new level, the parrying proc from today are given a higher weight(75%), whereas the parrying proc from last session are given a 25% weight.
- These were all parrying skillup strictly from grinding, no exp party or what so ever. Fenrir people knows I live there =P, I really, did live in the tree everyday.
New Note: Thanks to shadowken, he confirmed that doing parrying skillup on T is infact possible. I did try but the pull is extremely hard and since there’s only 2x Tough crab around Boyahda Tree top, it makes it a little bit difficult but it’s doable ;)
Remember! Parrying was never meant to be easy! [16]