Mai’s First Broken Manteel Synthesis ‘~”
Yep… like the title says… I broke “my own” Manteel synth ‘.’. Well I was trying to HQ one for Tazo~
Its ok though :( I love Tazo too much, that it didn’t really hurt since it was really for her. Its just err… she’s always been there for me… for tons of things so it was merely just a way to thank her :)
It does suck though lol! I even had Istari (94 cloth, cloth is 95) to turn those thread into cloth :D, but I did pick a risky day for HQ’s :) Anyway, it won’t stop me from trying though :D
This is probably my 22nd synth. The last break I had didn’t break the cloth, so this would be my first Manteel in which I actually broke the cloth. I was kinda glad it broke on mines, so I won’t feel as bad.