Duckie Recruiting Spree, Lagsave and SS!
Posted in Final Fantasy XI, LS Events/Lagsave, XI Drama on May 12, 2008 Email this post
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Doesn’t it look like our body is detached?
I’ve been VV Busy :/
Like the title… its just going to be screenshot dumps :D I’ve been really busy IRL… so swamped that I literally got no time to even sit down and write a nice little post. So I’ll try to summarize my month of adventuring both FFXI here!
Well first of all, not really FFXI related. Mai blog has ding Rank 4 on Google (just enter and search) :3 I wouldn’t have able to achieve that if Mai readers didn’t come and support it :) So a great thank you ^^;

Etain’s naturally makes me work harder in Salv!
DH Wise
We’ve been doing some killings… not amazing or anything though.
- Killed love that drops a polearm, although it dropped crap :( we had a lot of fun on vent.
- Did some Sky. Drop was okay but we had fun.
- Killed Kirin that drops 2x N.Body.
- WHILE we kill Kirin, too many so we took a team to camp Shigi Weapon and got Yingyang Robe for someone’s 7th job lol…
- We’ve also got Bubian who accidentally shot Nemis Arrow towards our Feeler Antlion so we pretty much lost a Rostrum Pumps (sometimes, having a relic isn’t a good idea. The ability to 1 bang stuff means if you make a mistake, its GG).
- Win some Jar, loose some Jar, but I did find out, Ghost are pretty easily kited in Einherjar even when weakened.
Salvage Wise
- Had some drama.
- Got Macha’s Coat, then got guilt trip by the whole Vent team haha (more like teasing me)
- Hammerblow can rape alliance.

I <3 Yuukino
Mai Friends/Achievement.
- Invited Kerowynn and Shaya to DuckHUNT (Girls +2 ^^)
- My super MP efficient magic fruit :) 72mp for 510 kthx
- I’m really happy that our DuckHUNT blm are one of the skilled ones too! Look at the # of stuns x_x
- Keiffa join Duck too ^^; (Boys +1 :x)
- Exping with Connie never ends too well… earned like 10k exp, then she wants me to spit out 2.4k lol…
Hope you enjoyed my SS-dump style update! *the lazy method* xD
5 Responses to “Duckie Recruiting Spree, Lagsave and SS!”
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Keiffaz a duck too now! :o So many people I know joining/applying to you guys lately! :O
Haha Keiffa is in duck as a social member, so he’s pretty much just got a pearl to chat :) might be a full time member later but he can pick what he want :)
I can see your hooha :(
I wanr your macha’s D: congratulations!
And sometimes i REALLY wish i were in fenrir to join duckies :< Oh well
Gimme Macha’s coat plz D:
We have such bad droprates on 35s in salvage. (something that I seem to constantly bemoan on peoples blogs lol, maybe I should stop that)
Anywho, looks like fun times! :3