Fascinating Video on “Video Game”
Posted in Final Fantasy XI, World of Warcraft, WoW Humor, XI Humor on October 23, 2008 Email this post
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Video Game better than Life?
Video Games better than Life
Its stunning :O! It’s point out a few good facts.
- Video games are really blurring the lines between RL and E-Life
- Video game violence starting to look real, but then real violence starting to look like a video game. So true!
- How about… the graphics so real now that.. if you spend a couple of hours more, I’m pretty sure you’d feel like you can kill a man or fly an airplane.
& Lots more, but I’ll let you watch the vid to find out.
Don’t be scared away by the 20min. Its actually very amazing to watch. If you feel like I’ve completely wasted 20min of your life. Come and I’ll give you 100k ok?
4 Responses to “Fascinating Video on “Video Game””
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That was me! That is still me! Sadly >.<
Sup dude!
Oh hay dude. I was talking to Takalo and he told me you still play! So I came by to say hi! I hope you are still having fun!
– Alchemar, TheLightWarrios (If you still remember)
Taru White Mage here to say hello too! I am amazed you still play.
-Suzuzu TLW
Wow guys what’s this :D Ganking Mai? :o Hope everything’s goin well for all u peeps! :O and thanks for droppin by :d