Miss Mai and Mr Otak’s Card – 2013
Posted in - Final Fantasy XIV, Arts, Dats and 3ds, Final Fantasy XI, Misc., Real Life on December 17, 2013 Email this post
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Otak & Mai in New Zealand by lurazeda!
the StarOnion is a Christmas Blog!
Lets see.. my last post was 2012 Christmas, 2011 Christmas and 2010 Christmas! I think we get it, its a Christmas blog LOL :). I know, Otak and Mai still reminisce about FFXI a lot. We really like this game, just that it turned a little too old and ran out of steam for the most part… well more like me. Otak still wants to play haha. Guys like me just can’t take errr.. a decade old graphics :( Too spoiled by Zelda Skyward Sword (LOL), I mean… Dead Space 3.
Oh, Otak and Mai also started playing Portal 2 lulz… was on sale awhile earlier so we bought it :) some nice fun for sure!~
FFXIV & Gaming
I know most of you would ask if we will ever start FFXIV. So far all talk no action. (I had to change this post) because LOL, I am actually subscribed and just waiting for Otak to create a character. I do try odd things… but getting torn from FFXIV v1 was definitely a big part but giving things a 2nd try is also part of me I guess :)
Here we are though. It needed a lot of convincing for sure. We’ve finally both started XIV-ing. We are on Excalibur. When you see my name, you will know it is me :)
I know, I wish I can play on multiple servers… and play with everybody and everything is in one world. Thank you though :( for wanting to take us into your family. We’ve decided to be on Excalibur instead since many friends are on this server and we felt this is the place where we can have both a nice experience and enjoy casual play.
Considering last time I play FFXI since the day it release (Oct 22, 2003, I still have receipt) LOL… I think those are my hardcore days. This time, I will read ALL cinematic texts and literally do it casually LOL.
I need your support! In not making this hardcore mode LOL. I have RL friends on other servers who are so hardcore.. I had to avoid that. Else we’d be bringing laptops over to my place and exp-ing all day.
BUT, I am hoping to just do it casually :) debating if I should continue using this blog though :) it’d be epic, 2 MMO all on one lol :)

Portal 2 for Mai & Otak
Christmas Card 2013 & RL
Omg 6th year doing it! Obviously this year I slack off a ton! :) Just been way too busy :) Getting harder to find time.. It’s December 17 and I’m still writing lol :< 10 years ago all I had in life was FFXI :) I go home, write a few post on bluegartr, hop onto FFXI and start camping HNM for 9 hours (Genbu, Behemoth then Fafnir LOL). Now life's gotten so much busier. Well... partly because of heavy work and partly because so much stuff going on in life and you now have to make time up somewhere. Lets put it this way, I can use some organization in using my time more efficiently. Too bad most of them usually goes to napping LOL (or my latest favorite activity - board gaming) hehehe! Oh, I actually recently logged onto FFXI using that free return to Vana'diel.. yea its empty :( Windower 4 is beautiful though :D! Anyway, this year is simply a picture of us in New Zealand :) drawn by Otak. Yes, we went there and did some crazy things as you see in your card :) We saw a lot more and had a good time. We also went to NYC as well and walked around museums and Manhattan etc... we had fun and generally, spending time together not just in TaruTaru form, but in RL form LOL :) If you read it this far, yea we're both thinking of FFXIV :) once we find time availability :) Though I have to say we are looking for casual play this time :) hence I kinda stop playing when it comes out. That way I'm purposely falling behind :) I had my taste of end-game FFXI and I think I achieved a lot in FFXI. I don't need to taste that again :) I'll let others do it. I hope you like our simple cards! See you again next year and of course, thanks for leaving a comment and reading it so far :)
13 Responses to “Miss Mai and Mr Otak’s Card – 2013”
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ty your letter☻
sky diving (≧∇≦)
Greetings from Japan
haha no problem la! i hope to bump into a Wohdo in xiv :D
MAI! I got your card! It’s really adorable! The drawings look lovely, Karla did a great job, and loved your photos guys! It all looks gorgeous and sounds like you been having lot of fun besides hard work! ^^ Thanks so much!!!!
haha glad you got it :) :) be sure to claim prize :D!
we’ve been busy that’s why we haven’t been quite involved in many things. we just started ffxiv so that’s just a clue how busy we were.
but ya c u around, maybe in xiv :)
Got ur lovely card!
It’s on our bookshelf with the other Xmas cards! On display
Thank u and Karla!
Hi Maiev,
My card arrived today, its lovely. I am blessed with some wonderful friends.
Have a great Christmas Maiev and Otak
Lots of Love Jonpaul :)
I got your Christmas card! Thank you so much for it and the gift. You and Karla are so cute together, I hope you are enjoying your holiday :)
I just found Yer card in my mail! Sooo cute! Yer gf’s art is so damn awesome!
Thanks for sending me a card <3 Love the wittle polaroid of my drawing :) so cute!
Maiev! You always have the coolest cards. Skydiving/hobbit/nyc – no wonder you have no time! Sorry I couldn’t make it the last time you were in NYC, but let me know the next time you’re around here!
Wish you and Karla a very happy new year!
\( ^)</
PS: I started xiv on Cactuar, but then quit, but plan to start up again in about a month or two. When the game first came out, I tried to get everyone on 1 server, but was too hard :<
HI! I just got your card. It is beautiful as always. Ever since the first one I have looked forward to them every year and it truly makes me smile. You two are so wonderful! I looks like you did some pretty awesome stuff this past year. I’m super jealous :)
All my love to both of you. I hope you have a wonderful new year!
I just got your card today!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas.
Good to see you playing FFXIV. I’ve been playing a lot lately but once school starts again I’ll probably be doing less and less :(
That is a crazy picture of tandem skydiving!
As usual, Karla’s art is stunning =]
Late late reply, but got the card, thankies! It’s so cute x3 Also: booo to you guys being on Excal, we’re on Sargatanas and there’s some dude running around with Maiev for a name, and an Elvaan! What’s up with that?! D: The hubby and I are jelly of the hobbit hole, we’re gonna go there someday ><!
Anywho, happy (late) holidays to ya'll, have a good one :]
Hey Mai! Just got your card. It is so awesome! I played XIV the first time around but my PC broke and it won’t run on my laptop :( Maybe I’ll give it another try when I get a new PC! I’m still playing XI some and I don’t run a linkshell anymore. I let the youngsters run things too! Gosh, skydiving? Looks so scary, I hope you weren’t flying the plane!
Always <3 getting your cards!