The 2004 Crawler's Nest
Posted in Fenrir History/Old School, Final Fantasy XI on February 12, 2004 Email this post Print This Post
Why FFXI was Hard!!
Back in 2004, there wasn’t a community that was stable at all. There were a lot of linkshells, which 1 or 2 that stands out, such as the Darkside, FiresOfHeaven. But the point is, there wasn’t solid communities formed, but scattered ones.
Maiev wasn’t the lucky one that gets invited to a linkshell. I was (after playing 4 months), still a pretty free spirit.
By the way, there was something wrong in the picture above!
So there was a lot of people who didn’t care about Krama and play this game like a dickhead. One of them was Ilir. What did he do? Watch it below!
Every time someone links, basically we got to kill quick before they come back, or get like 20 crawlers and die like a “scrub”, or so call by Ilir. That guy would just laugh when people die. He was a Thief, so Perfect Dodge, Flee and just watch others die as they travel back. It was funny but it was at the same time… mean.
I thought getting out of Garbage Citadel was a milestone. Nope. Train of Death is then being recycled back into Exp areas again!